
by devjules

    I love reading and I have always been a book worm. My New Year’s resolution earlier this year was to read one full book each month and honestly there is always a LONG list of musts waiting for me to get to. One of the, long over due, must reads on said list was the Outlander series (I’m half way thru all 8 books!). I totally have a girl crush on on Claire and really who wouldn’t!? (I may or may not have an Outlander calendar in my office, as a certain someone was not interested in looking at shirtless highlanders in the kitchen.)

    Author, Diana Gabaldon, does an amazing job creating a well-rounded female character; equally intelligent as she is sexy. Much of which is portrayed not only by her demeanor, grace and her strong personality, but accentuated and emphasized by Claire’s fashion choices.

    Take a cue from a few of my favorite Claire moments (in the book and the television series) when you really want to round out and accentuate your own personal style…..

    First Impressions
    Books and Fashion: The Outlander Series

    Claire>>This strong, intelligent character is often portrayed with equally intriguing fashion statements. One of the most memorable is in the couture red gown which is meant to make a statement and provide a distraction.
    You>>Making strong, deliberate impression, for example, at an interview or on a first date with a great fitted dress that can seal the deal and top an already winning personality!



    Books and Fashion: The Outlander Series

    Claire>>You’ll notice the utilitarian dress in scenes where Claire is helping out in the war efforts; serving more function then form.
    You>> As much as I love fashion, not everyday can be a dress up day. Maxi dresses are a go-to uniform for me on work days.  Whether in and out stores or my client’s closets, they keep my look pulled together keeping all bits in place.


     Sultry & Confident
    Books and Fashion: The Outlander Series

    Claire>>Claire’s dress isn’t a dress at all, it’s her slip and corset! She wears it with such power and confidence that one wouldn’t never know it’s her under things!!
    You>>Not everything is about what you wear, many times it comes from the inside exuding confidence to wear what you love and that in itself is the biggest fashion statement you can make. 🙂
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